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21. Naminath

Father's nameKing Vijay
Mother's nameVaprila devi
Dynasty (vansh)Ishwaku
Date of Conception (garbh)Ashwin Krishna - 2
Birth placeMithilapuri
Date of BirthAshadh Krishna - 10
Color of the bodyGolden
Height15 Dhanush
Life span10,000 years
SymbolBlue Lotus
Reason of renunciationJati smaran (Self-remembarence about past lives)
Date of Renunciation (diksha)Ashadh Krishna - 10
First person to give AaharKing Datt
First Aahar's cityVirpur
Tree under which Tirthankar attained KevalgyaanVakul
Date of Kevalgyaan (Supreme Intelligence)Margshirsh Shukla - 11
Chief GandharSuprabh
Chief GaniniMarginini
Total Gandhars17
Chief ShrotaVijay
Area of Samavsaran2 Yojan
Date of Salvation (Nirvaan)Vaishakh Krishna - 14
Aasan (position) in which Tirthankar attained SalvationKayotsargasan
Place of SalvationSammed Shikhar

देवाधिदेव श्री १००८ नमिनाथ तीर्थंकर की जय हो 🙏🏻